Frequently Asked Questions

How much does bankruptcy cost?

Kapnek Law Firm provides a free case evaluation, during which Ilan Kapnek will personally meet with you, review your financial situation, and craft a solution customized to your individual circumstances. Attorney fees are affordable, and we will work with you to ensure that any payment fits within your budget.

Which type of bankruptcy should I file?

Most individuals file either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The chapter that is right for you will depend on your particular financial situation. At Kapnek Law Firm, we can help determine which filing is right for you.

Will creditors stop calling me after I file for bankruptcy?

Yes, creditors will stop calling you after they are notified of your bankruptcy filing. The bankruptcy court sends notice of your filing to all the creditors listed in your bankruptcy. The automatic stay prohibits any further contact once the notice is received.

Will filing for bankruptcy stop my foreclosure?

Immediately upon filing a bankruptcy, a federal law called the automatic stay stops the foreclosure in process, giving you the ability to catch up on your late payments, or give you time to relocate.

How long will the bankruptcy process take?

A Chapter 7 bankruptcy typically can be completed and discharged within 4 to 6 months. Chapter 13 bankruptcies are a reorganization of debt, and usually are completed in 3-5 years. Sitting down for a free consultation and estimate can give you a better idea of the time line involved in your particular situation.

What sort of documents will I need?

The documents and information needed to file bankruptcy vary from case to case. The best way to find out exactly what you need is to set up an appointment with Kapnek Law Firm by calling 404-474-3445. Requested documents may include bank statements, pay stubs, income tax returns, car payment notes, mortgage statements, and documents received about lawsuits, garnishments, foreclosure, or repossession.

Can I keep my house if I file for bankruptcy?

In most situations, you can keep your home as long as you are current in your payments and continue to make payments. How Kapnek Law Firm can help you protect your home depends on your individual circumstances and which type of bankruptcy you file. Kapnek Law Firm can answer your questions and provide you with the advice you need so you know exactly what to expect. Learn about how assets are protected when you file.

How does bankruptcy affect my credit rating?

While filing for bankruptcy can be a negative mark on your credit, the difficulties you are experiencing may have already had a significant impact. Late payments, repossessions, and judgments from lawsuits are frequently reported to your credit and can drastically impair your rating. Oftentimes, filing for bankruptcy can remove the negative information and help you to rebuild your credit.  

Will bankruptcy help my financial problems?

Filing for bankruptcy may help with some financial issues, but it is not always the right step. Assets you own, inheritances you expect, lawsuits you are pursuing, as well as car loans, home mortgages, child support, alimony, student loans, criminal fines and other debts can all affect your decision to file. Our free, no-pressure consultation will give you guidance on what is best in your individual situation.

Is bankruptcy right for me?

Bankruptcy is not right for everyone, but it may be your best solution. Kapnek Law Firm can help you determine whether bankruptcy is the right solution for you and advise on when and how to file for bankruptcy. Use the online form to set up a confidential consultation or call our office at 404-474-3445 today.

People file for bankruptcy for all different types of reasons. Sometimes, events occur that are outside of our control, including changes in the economy, reduction in income, illness, and divorce. Bankruptcy is part of our social safety net and it exists to help people.

Don’t only irresponsible people file for bankruptcy?

As soon as your case is discharged, you will be able to work on rebuilding your credit. Many lenders will work with you within a few years of filing. Bankruptcy stays on your credit for up to 10 years, but you can still begin the process of building credit immediately upon completing your case.

Will I have to wait 10 years before I can apply for a loan?

Will I will lose everything I own?

If you file for bankruptcy with the help of Kapnek Law Firm, we will advise you of what measures to take so you can keep your assets.

Take the next step to financial freedom. Call Kapnek Law Firm at 404-474-3445 for a free consultation and estimate.